Rebecca Seiber
Rebecca Seiber is 41 years old in 2008, and she has been incarcerated since she was 26 years old. She is 5’2”, 130 lbs. green eyes brown hair. She is easy to correspond with.
2 submissions
The World Within You
by Rebecca Seiber

I am held captive this moment in time but, one day, I’ll be free seeing to this rhyme.
creative-writing personal-narrative poetry
Feeling the Inside
by Rebecca Seiber

When it found truth was simply what was made of life. It doesn’t matter how it started or where it ends. It only matters that you refrain from disliking your won being and spirit. The command solution is to become materialistic, idolizing color, shape and size. Materialistic stamina becomes the utmost important factor of life when one cannot admire and respect their own being.