Scott Sisters: Mississippi Justice
by NAACP & Solitary Watch

Last year NAACP campaigned a petition to help free the Scott sisters. They were freed, but still face many challenges. See the petition and a current story on the release of the Scott sisters as well as links to more information about their story.
activism prison-industrial-complex racism state-violence
How the Criminal Justice System Uses Domestic Violence Programs Against Native Women
by Andrea Smith

In this long article, Smith discusses criminal justice responses to Native American women’s experiences of violence, questioning the effectiveness of relying on the state for responses to violence given the overwhelming evidence of continuing state violence towards Native American communities. In Part Two, Smith then discusses alternative responses to violence. Smith concludes in Part Three with an overview of effective organizing campaigns working to end both state and interpersonal violence against women of color.
activism domestic-violence native-american-prisoners racism
'Our Bodies Are Not a Sacrifice': Prostitution, Criminalization and Incarceration of Women
by Kari Lyderson

This article examines prostitution in Chicago through recent studies, criminal justice statistics, and the stories of two women who left prostitution. The impact of gentrification, race, class, and gender on policing is examined through a discussion of the geography of prostitution arrests in Chicago.
prostitution racism sexual-violence
The California Prison Focus Dignity for Women Prisoners Campaign
by Sara Olson

Since the looming demise of male searches became public knowledge here, male guards have been doing them more than ever. Guards who rarely search much now command, “Hey, get over here! Let me pat you down.” Why? Because they can. A virtual concentration-camp system has materialized in California and elsewhere, out in the middle of nowhere, erecting these prisons out of sight and out of mind.
gender public-policy racism sexuality
United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women
by Bonnie Kerness

These past years hve been full of thousands of calls and complaints of increasingly distrubing nature from prisoners and their families throughout the United States. The proportion of those complaints coming from women has risen, with women describing conditions of confinement, which are torture.
activism community movement-building prison-life prison-industrial-complex public-policy racism sexual-violence state-violence
The Prison Industrial Complex in Indigenous California
by Stormy Ogden

Ogden describes the historical legacy of the racism, abuse and mistreatment of Native American peoples in the United States at the hands of the U.S. government. She connects their history with the current imprisonment of Native Americans, including her own story to demonstrate the oppressive impact of incarceration.
native-american-prisoners personal-narrative prison-life prison-industrial-complex racism
Equality at the Price of Justice
by Angela Davis

In this essay, Angela Davis discusses the operation and impact of the Prison Industrial Complex. Through her examination of the economy of incarceration, Davis demonstrates how private corporations benefit from the incarceration of increasing numbers of people of color. Davis argues that although the prison boom has increased the profits of global corporations, it “devours the social wealth” of our communities by draining them of their human and economic resources.
prison-industrial-complex racism
The Intersectionality of Race, Gender, and Reentry: Challenges for African-American Women
by Geneva Brown

Challenges faced by African-American women reentering society.