
Sometimes… we come to a place in our entirety of the world and beings in it, for the self-destruction, and self-inflictions that exist. Fallen to the edge of these inflictions myself, but yet, quite not over the edge of what would be assumed as…insanity.

Yet, nearly still, to be still, the mind and soul struggles to come to immediate solutions of survival purposes. It searches in a desperate measure to find reasons to be positive when it has reached the conclusion of no purpose for existence.

When it found truth was simply what was made of life. It doesn’t matter how it started or where it ends. It only matters that you refrain from disliking your own being and spirit. The command solution is to become materialistic, idolizing color, shape and size. Materialistic stamina becomes the utmost important factor of life when one cannot admire and respect their own being. As one soul, heart, mind, and physical love, as well.

So, it focuses on possessions that will make them appear admired, respected and thus far accepted. However the after effects from this delusion is; that no matter how you decorate yourself you cannot love and admire yourself while focusing on outward appearances only and what others think of you. It matters more what you, yourself thinks of who and what you are.

You can decorate your tree for all to see, but often you don’t care enough about it to give it fresh water. The soul is the most purest, beautiful existence here on earth, and it needs and requires respect and admiration, love and nourishing. Without such, it feels abused, and the mind works to find comfort for it. But, a desperate mind only gives delusions and excuses and false pretenses. Something to avoid… to fill a void, but never quite fulfills what only you; yourself can. Simply by focusing more on the inner being you are, and less on what others think of you and your outward appearances.

When you love who you are, you respect that, and your outward appearance will be strength, happiness, contentment, peace and love. These can never be built on false pretenses and be truly admired or respected. They have to be real and sincere… true, the soul is natural… as natural as a flower; fresh grown with morning sun. It’s delicate. It will flee when there is a disturbance only leaving ignorance and a delusional mind to care for the body itself.

The soul is an angel to be untainted, kept pure, delicate, and free… beautifully sculpted for the purpose of exalting love, happiness, joy and peace only.


Rebecca Ann Seiber 645965
Mountain View Unit
2305 Ransom Rd.
Gatesville, TX 76528

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