
Women's Rights Don't Stop at the Jailhouse Door

by Rachel Roth


This article is a discussion of incarcerated women’s abortion rights. The article also discusses the difficulties of carrying a pregnancy to term on the inside and the risk that women will lose their parental rights if they have to put their children in foster care.

health reproductive-rights

Reproductive Rights in Theory and Practice: The Meaning of Roe v. Wade for Women in Prison

by Rachel Roth


This article is an overview of women’s health care in jails and prisons, with special attention to access to reproductive health services. It was written for the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, and the theme is that no one really has a “right” or a “choice” if she doesn’t have access to the resources needed to carry out that choice. The article highlights two recent studies that are the result of collaborations between prisoners’ rights groups and public health students.

health reproductive-rights

Cracked Lenses: the Visual Exploitation of Crack Mothers

by Alexandra Cox


In this article, Alexandra Cox discusses the use of images of "crack mothers" and “crack babies” to reinforce sexism and racism.

media reproductive-rights substance-abuse

Giving Birth in Chains - The Shackling of Incarcerated Women During Labor and Delivery

by Anna Clark


As birthing choices are increasingly prominent in the public conversation, pregnant women are more and more empowered to decide what sort of care is right for their bodies and their child.Not so for pregnant women who are incarcerated. Not only are their decisions about care restricted, but many incarcerated pregnant women are physically restricted while giving birth: during labor and delivery, they are shackled.

activism children-of-prisoners family health mental-health motherhood prison-life reproductive-rights