Anna Clark
journalist, writer, educator, blogger, editor; a bookish outdoorsy sensibility. Her website: includes stories on creative social justice as well as other narratives and short stories. She is involved with the Prison Creative Arts Project in Michigan
2 submissions
Why Does Popular Culture Treat Prison Rape As a Joke?
by Anna Clark

There's no soap-dropping counterpart "joke" referring to the abuse of female inmates. Ultimately, these distorted punch-line/silence memes enforce each other and perpetuate the reality of prison rape.
activism guard-prisoner-relations prison-life prison-industrial-complex sexual-harassment sexual-violence
Giving Birth in Chains - The Shackling of Incarcerated Women During Labor and Delivery
by Anna Clark

As birthing choices are increasingly prominent in the public conversation, pregnant women are more and more empowered to decide what sort of care is right for their bodies and their child.Not so for pregnant women who are incarcerated. Not only are their decisions about care restricted, but many incarcerated pregnant women are physically restricted while giving birth: during labor and delivery, they are shackled.