Rachel Williams
Rachel Williams is an Assistant Professor of Art Education at the University of Iowa. She is the editing author of Teaching the Arts in Prison, published by Northeastern University Press in 2003. Currently she is conducting a two-year narrative workshop with women at the Iowa Correctional Institution for Women. The workshop will result in a DVD and an anthology based on the stories and writing of workshop participants. This program was funded by Humanities Iowa. She was awarded a grant from the National Art Education Foundation in 2001 to research the Status and Praxis of Arts Education in Juvenile Correctional Facilities in the US. In the summer of 2001, Inside Job Theater Company of the UK invited her to be a guest designer for their production The House of Bernarda Alba with women inmates at Her Majesty’s Prison, Holloway in London, England. This project was the focus of an independent documentary film called Artistic Convictions, The Women of Holloway Directed by Lucy Fyson and produced by Roger Graef’s, Films of Record. Williams received her Ph.D. and MFA from Florida State University. She received a BFA from East Carolina University in Painting and Drawing.
1 submission
Women On the Inside
by Rachel Williams

This article comes from a program, called Women on the Inside, made up of a series of classes and workshops that took place in a Iowa Correctional Institution for women. Alongside long excerpts of her students’ work, Crane-Williams discusses the silencing of women in prison.