Life Without
Producer: Melissa Mummert
Youth Directors:
JaQuila - JaQuila is enjoying being reunited with her mom, Linda, following her release from prison. JaQuila is anticipating going to middle school next year. Linda just got a job and is working actively on her recovery. JaQuila visits grandma Maria often.
Ladarius - Ladarius is enrolled in the Academy of Engineering Phillip O. Berry, a challenging magnet school in the Charlotte area. After a stressful period of unemployment, mother Natasha Morris is working steadily, is striving to complete her G.E.D. and is working toward founding a new organization dedicated to families affected by incarceration.
Tony & Markayle – Tony and Markayle continue to do well in school, boasting perfect attendance.
Jeromiah, Cree and Skye - Jeromiah, Cree and Skye still enjoy flexing their creative muscles by drawing, break-dancing and attending Northwest School of the Arts. Since participating in Life Without, Cree has his sights set on a career in film. Oldest brother, William, is applying for colleges. Mom Indigo Smith continues to set goals for the future, including becoming a motivational speaker.
Jamesha - Jamesha is looking forward to her dad coming home next year. In addition to her very supportive mom, Deborah, Jamesha enjoys spending time with her mentor, Patrice.
1 submission
Life Without: Youth With Incarcerated Parents Tell Their Own Stories
by Life Without

Life Without is a documentary film, profiling the experiences of eight children who have a parent in prison. In this informative film, the youth were not only the subjects, but they were the producers as well. The product of their work is a collection of powerful stories that provide a glimpse into what life is like for the millions of children in the United States who have an incarcerated parent. The youth in Life Without share their experiences, feelings, and methods for coping with the challenge of living without one or both of their parents.
Rev. Melissa Mummert is the lead producer and driving force behind the film. She has been and continues to be a strong advocate for people who are incarcerated and their families. Melissa is known for her first award winning film Perversion of Justice, in which she told the story of Hamedah Hasan, a woman who received two life sentences for her first non-violent drug offense.
Life Without can be purchased for individual or educational use at