Kebby Warner
Kebby Warner is incarcerated in Michigan. After losing custody of her daughter, Helen, she became active in the struggle against the prison-industrial complex and is forming an organization called PACK (People Against Court Kidnapping) to protest incarcerated parents’ lack of rights.
2 submissions
Will She Ever Know My Name?
by Kebby Warner

In this poem Kebby tells a story of a mother losing her child through the system. A child she never got the chance to know.
motherhood poetry
Pregnancy in Prison: A Personal Story
by Kebby Warner

In this poignant personal narrative, Kebby Warner shares her experience of pregnancy and childbirth while serving time. Following her story are several documents she wrote to publicize the organization The People Against Court Kidnapping (P.A.C.K.), which she created after her parental rights were terminated and her daughter was put up for adoption.