Kathleen Desautels
Kathleen Desautels is a Sister of Providence and a human rights worker on the staff of the Chicago-based 8th Day Center for Justice. At age 64 she served a six-month sentence in Illinois Greenville Federal Prison for civil disobedience against the School of the Americas, a training school for Latin American military officers who are responsible for violence and atrocities against their own people, targeting religious workers, student leaders, and union organizers.
1 submission
Letters From Prison Camp
by Kathleen Desautels

Kathleen Desautels, a nun and previous political prisoner, was arrested for protesting the School of the Americas, and sent to Greenville, IL to serve a six-month sentence. In this series of letters to friends and family, she describes the day to day activities within the women’s prison while describing the relationships and bonds that are created inside prison walls.