Deanna Lynd
Deanna Lynd is a 31 years old single white female whom is serving a 15 yer minimum mandatory prison sentence in South Florida. She is originally from New Orleans, LA attended Tulanc Medical University there, teachers pre-release classes and adult literacy to spanish speaking women. An aspiring writer/journalist and survivor of the prison industry. Deanna is inspired by the works of the American author and poet Ella Wheeler Wilcox (1850 - 1919).
2 submissions
My Son’s Birthday
by Deanna Lynd

In this poem Deanna talks about her son whom she gave birth to while incarcerated. She speaks of the heartache and pain of being separated from your child at birth.
creative-writing poetry prison-life
Confinement After Midnight
by Deanna Lynd

In this poem Deanna talks about the confinements of prison life. She speaks on a personal level of doing her time. She is very creative in her description this is a very compelling poem.