Submit a Story

Women and Prison: A Site for Resistance is a forum for public discourse about the ways that incarceration affects women's lives and the work that people are doing to dismantle systems of violence and oppression. Your contributions are vital. Please submit articles, visual work, personal narratives, etc., to

Submission Guidelines

  • If using email, please send all submissions as attachments.
  • Articles should be submitted as Microsoft Word documents.
  • Include a one-paragraph bio and a 100-word abstract or summary of your submission.
  • Limit submissions to 1600 words.
  • Please write for a general audience; avoid academic jargon.
  • All submissions will be edited for length and readability.
  • Images can be accepted as jpegs, tiff files or PDF files.
  • Submissions in all languages are accepted and will be posted. Whenever possible, an English translation should also be provided. Unfortunately, we cannot provide an English version at this time.

Program Model Submission Guidelines

  1. Description of program/project including a statement of goals.
  2. Description of program participants (youth, gender, self-selected etc.)
  3. Attach any lesson plans, syllabi, material lists, curriculums, project outlines, calendars, or other materials.
  4. Access/ Dealing with Prison Administration: Describe challenges and strategies for working with prison administration and guards, etc., and share helpful insights gained.
  5. Evaluation: Describe successes and challenges of the program as well as anything that you would do differently. Describe your evaluation process.
  6. Contact: If people may contact you for additional information about this program, please provide contact information.